
Eyes level pushed backwards falling soft wanting hard eyes that don't leave hers rove round don't stop watch dance around the room original bedroom rockers it doesn't get better with a feather boa oh and leather don't forget because your eyes are just for she..
See the hands that rove that tease that touch that smile on that face so naughty she can't resist and sticks her tongue out grins and spins around loving every inch of skin against silk that falls to the floor wrapped in the curtain pulling away out behind her like wings she's laughing smiling at your face tangled mingled glee so what if neighbors see..
Watch it slide soft down her arm all that lace all that skin so soft so hissingly soft it won't stop oh don't stop theres one more strap to go thats it just the other one away don't stop moving I see the heat the windows steam and carry on with one button two buttons three four five..
It's still on why's it still on burning up burning lust burning to stroke every inch and yet struck still by one word one glance one move you can't move mesmerised by every lock of hair strands that fly around her face in heat stuck to skin by sweat and there it slides the last string through the last hole she turns away she pulls away that string flourishing ballerina that she was..
It's off now boned on the floor you see marks on her back laced up so tight and you desire more desire now and watch her turn but no what has she done she's holding whats left those straps that sweetly hold her waist and she pulls one down the other down and it slides rustly to the floor and you can't look anymore..
Visions swimming everything's swimming she turns strikes that pose sticks out that tongue and you know what's coming you think you do and then she's over in one stride leaning down and your lips find hers no she finds yours and you feel the smile on her lips and taste her joy in her dancing tongue
She's gone again fallen again love again on the bed again all against you head against heart and deep breaths that echo the stroke of her hand slow across you around you pulled closer nuzzled lust warmth and they get deeper with every curve and slowly slowly with a smile safe in your arms aching in your arms she drifts off to sleep with those shoes still on..
like a song in my head it flows.
oh so smoothly.
oh so lovely.
oh so, you.
Purr. Thank you.
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