
She's very good at blending into the background. She can disappear at will, if she closes her eyes and concentrates hard enough. She's good at that.
So what makes one want to do such a thing? To close their eyes, shut everything out and concentrate on breathing; on ones' beat of the heart? I don't know.
I could try to explain myself, but perhaps I'd lose myself in the process. There are many, many things that can make you feel lost. There are many more that will make you feel much more alone.
Loneliness is like a bitter taste in the mouth. We've all tasted it. We all don't like it, but we know it will linger from whence it came. In the end it blends away with other sights, smells, tastes and sounds. We take in everything else to make it seem like it's gone away. But really, it's only mingled with everything else you see in the day.
In the night, it's a different story. When everything else blends away into the darkness, loneliness returns. Its tangible and it will stay until you close your eyes and curl up in a ball. Then even the darkness chases away your thoughts, and all you can see are the fiery lights that dance on the back of your eyes when they press down on the pillow too hard.
It's hard, to fight loneliness. We've all lost to it sometime or another. One can be lonely in a crowd of people, all because something or someone is missing. So we blend.
Blending does our mind good. We can take in everything, push the horrid feelings to the back of our minds and keep a smile on our face when everyone is looking.
You don't need to smile. It doesn't hide it. It's there, in the eyes of the haunted and the sad.
She's so sad.
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