
One can feel alone anywhere. One could be surrounded by people, and still feel lost, confused and alone. It's funny what can trigger such feeling..a memory..an object..a person you thought looks like someone you once knew.
So when coming back from the laundry, I was caught unawares by the feeling. I had to stop walking and take a deep breath before carrying on back home. It's disastrous...like floating in the sea. You know there are waves...you can feel them. Just like your own emotions.
You just never know when you're going to go under.
Then again, feelings are just like tides. They ebb, they flow..they grow turbulent, troubled and violent. We are all human, after all. We could write forever on which mood symbolises which element, providing we were in our element to begin such a discussion in the first place.
Emotions don't rule our lives. We can choose to let them, like I almost did when I had the door slammed in my face..Or we can pick up our baggage, laugh at the door slammer's ignorance of polite behaviour and turn away. Easier said than done, but we must try.
The same waves that can drag us under, can also buoy us upwards; carry us to shore when we cannot swim to save ourselves, or anyone else, for that matter. Waves are just what we need. Waves of empathy, hope, deliverance. Not sympathy, pity or preachiness.
I'm a swimmer. I've been told that I'd drown with someone I'd try to save, rather than swim away. This is true. I've been told I'm too nice. I told them to fuck off and concern themselves with what's more important; people who aren't.
This is what puzzles me. Why do people question good when they ought to really question bad? Why is a good deed now looked upon as something slightly sinister, rather than something quite good? Has our reality twisted back on itself? Or are we simply cautious because of one too many slammed doors..?
Weary? No. Wary? Much.
Sometimes I think its because people have forgotten that the world is about us, and not about me. Maybe people are tired of getting hurt by living for us, and have resorted to go into bubbles of don’t care me’s. One has to ask one self, why do we care about others. And few on this earth would feel puzzled by that question. Do we need a why? Do we really. Some do it because they believe that is expected of them… perhaps upbringing. Some do it because it makes one feel good about him or her self. Most do it because they want something back. Its like a market.. a hold on someone .. something…. U do something to someone in return for something u got from them… or expecting something in return. Just like mother nature really…. Maybe that’s the most natural way of things. Very few out there.. do help others just because. These are the ones that get hurt… cos end of the day they cant understand why others are not thinking the same way as one self. The “why?” of this is a very hurtful thought.
I think.. one chooses how one wants to live. If it means you gonna help everyone unconditionally… that’s the way it shall be. If it means you gonna help people only if they have returned the favour… that’s the way it shall be. The trick to keeping ones sanity is not a secret. Its simply not giving a rats arse about what others think of how you live… if you are mahatma Gandhi… or Hitler.. it doesn’t matter. You do what you believe is right… and if the world dun understand it, they can go and wipe there arse onna teething squirrel.
We cant change the world. We should try though. But what’s more important is to live the way you think you should live.
Bubbles. Like the foam waves produce. We ride within each one individually. It's only when these bubbles pop or push up against each other when we realise how much we aren't the only ones in the same sea.
You are right. To each his/her own path, and so be it they choose the path they wish.
It really just comes down to 'Be yourself', doesn't it? =)
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