
Why do people always confuse spelling between 'lose' and 'loose'? It really does quite worry me. 'My duck is 'loose' makes hardly any sense, unless you're letting it get away from its leash or its just very randy.
Its been a contemplative weekend, but I am happy. There are just some things in life that aren't worth questioning, and others that will drive you mad until you do. I suppose I belong to those addicted to the latter category..born with a fixation on the 'why' and 'what' of things.
I've found a wonderful place to walk instead of around the lake. It's just as peaceful and I'm willing to share it with anyone who's mad enough to walk with me. I spent a good four hours feeding mouldy (read: extra nutrients) bread to ducks and swans and coots. They were happy.
The best thing is that where I go to walk, there is no end...well, there is, but I'd have to walk through several cities and possibly the majority of the country to get to it.
I miss not being able to go to places that are dear to me, but I don't regret the fact that I've learnt that sometimes it is nicer to find places you love on your own. It takes the edge off of things and you know that you never have to share, in the most selfish manner of thought. What's that saying... life is meant to be spent, not saved? Or was it live every moment like it's your last. Aye, one of the two.
I feel like I've grown extra-large metaphysical bollocks AND got my shit together. Bring on the ducks, there's plenty of Poojs to go around. She'll feed every one of you.
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