
There are many, many things stirring inside me today; namely anger, disappointment and sadness.
My anger stems from lack of understanding. In which righteousness seems to prevail in its most ludicrous ways. Why do we compete to be the one 'in the right'? Why? Is it not a pointless, futile exercise? Would it not be so much easier to back down for once, and just admit being 'in the wrong'. So why do we fight, then? Why do we butt heads for no reasons, and cause immense pain, which leads to more fighting, and more misunderstanding. I do not understand, and I am angry.
My disappointment stems from lack of similarity. Everyone is told to be who they want to be, and they will strive, strive, and strive to be what they want to be..and yet, we are punished for not conforming to norms. We are punished for being different, if punished is the right word.. Similarity is all fair and good, but why are we so accepting of people's individuality only to criticize their shortcomings and differences? You do not understand, and I am disappointed.
My sadness stems from deep inside. From all the little things that hurt my heart, and from the beast that takes them willingly. This beast slumbers, inside me now. Once upon a time it would have roared, demanded, wanted and taken, but after so long a time of being unfulfilled, it sleeps. It tries to sleep, in pain, and worn down with pain, because that is all there is left to feed it. I want to understand, and I am sad.
Maybe the glass is really half full. I admire the fact that some people have the audacity to believe they can make it through life's ups and downs simply by being ignorant..after all, ignorance is bliss, is it not? But is it right, is it right for one to be ignorant, and to have their keeper watch over them when life's lemons are thrown?
Is it wrong to be right...or is it simply not right to be wrong? What do we gain except anger, disappointment and pain. We gain no strength from these mistakes, yet show no weaknesses. Our cracks in deep foundations go unnoticed, like the slumbering beast which, who knows, may never wake.
So pour what you will in that glass, and if it cracks, or we stay to sip, lets hope we don't numb more than we should.
Although very sad, this is a very deep and touching piece. I am so happy you stopped in to see me. I am gonna add you to my links. :-)
I'll be linking you too. :)
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